“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.— Mahatma Gandhi
Sitting in the middle of it.
The Late Summer is our time to get earthy, to connect with the core of nature. This can be the earth itself, our inner selves, our own earth center. In the Late Summer we begin to see the fruits of our labours start to ripen. It is not quite harvest time but the bounties are beginning to flow. The earth lement is about this perfectly balanced time in between. Many changes in nature occur during this time of year and thus, within this centered stillness, we too are on the cusp of many changes. This is the time to celebrate the Late Summer energy by connecting with ourselves, getting grounded in who we truly are.
The organs stomach and pleen/pancreas rule the Late Summer. The earth element is all about basic-ness and to nourish ourselves this time of year, we can nourish with the most basic element of all: supporting the digestive organs with good, grounding food! The earth phase embodies balance, stability, nourishment, basic-ness, being grounded. The Late Summer is a time of integration with ourselves, and with the world around us. It is a time to get rooted in the world, ready for the bountiful harvests to come.
sympathy. empathy. compassion. refelction. fairness. balance.
These are all gifts of Earth in balance.
Season: Late Summer
Organ: Spleen/Pancreas (yin) Stomach (yang)
Direction: Center
Colour: Yellow
Sound: Singing
Emotion: Sympathy, Compassion
Odour: Fragrant
Taste: Sweet
Orifice: Nose
Sense organ: Lips/Mouth
Fluid: Saliva
Climate: Humid/Damp
Planet: Saturn
Quality: Transition
Governing body part: Flesh/Muscles
Indicating body part: Lips/skin
Highest expression: Nourishment
Spirit: I’ Corporeal Soul
Millet, apricots, scallions, squash, adzuki beans, yellow peppers, yellow zucchinis, pears, apples, watermelons, turnip, onion, cabbage, peas, pumpkin, parsley, fennel, horseradish, vanilla, walnuts, arame, chicken
Round, yellow/orange, naturally sweet veggies are optimal Earth phase foods. Naturally sweet foods support healthy Spleen/Pancreas energy, while refined sweets and more concentrated sugars disrupt Stomach and Spleen/Pancreas balance. Focus on these types of veggies this time of year, adding in some mild local fruits, nuts, millet, a bit of rice. Adding in some consciously raised chicken if you are a carnivore can offer some extra grounding nutrients as well. Try to avoid sugar, tropical fruits & their juices, high fat foods.
Licorice root –naturally sweet digestive, mild laxative
Catnip – nervine tonic, calms nervous stomach
Parsley –diuretic, female reproductive tonic
Chamomile –digestive tonic, nervine tonic, stimulates appetite
Lemon Balm –nourishes nervous system, boosts self-esteem
- 2 medium Butternut squashes
- 2 sweet potatoes
- 2 onions
- olive oil, cinnamon, cumin, salt, pepper, maple syrup, water
- Slice two medium butternut Squashes in half and clean the seeds out.
- Peel four cloves of garlic or more!
- Peel and cut two sweet potatoes into small cubes in a long pan Place the squash skin side up with the garlic underneath, put the sweet potatoes around the squash, put a little olive oil and ½ a cup of water in the pan
- Roast them in the oven at 350F for about ½ hour or till the squash is mushy and well cooked
- While the squash is roasting sauté two onions with some olive oil and a teaspoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon of cumin
- When all is cooked place the flesh of the squash (remove skin) in a large pot and put 1-2 cups of water, add the sauté, garlic and potatoes and bring to a boil. (it should smell nice & cinnamon-y)
- After the boil, take off the burner, let cool. Put the soup into a blender and add 2-3 tablespoons of maple syrup, mush it all up. It should be the consistency of runny mash potatoes. Thick and creamy. (add salt to taste when all is cooked)
Other Options:
You can use carrots instead of sweet potatoes. Add rutabagas if you have ’em! Add pepper to the boiling process, use less cumin and substitute coriander for a change.